Welcome to Pendidikan (Education in Indonesian) Network Indonesia This network is an attempt to bring together information related to current educational developments and to serve as a general resource and communication link (forum) for school administrators, educators, and other interested parties.
Welcome to Pendidikan (Education in Indonesian) Network Indonesia This network is an attempt to bring together information related to current educational developments and to serve as a general resource and communication link (forum) for school administrators, educators, and other interested parties.
In Indonesia Basic Education consists of nine years of study. After six years of Primary Education (SD) [at about age 12] students enter Junior Secondary School (SLTP) ( Ref. Indonesian Education System. This homepage contains information for and about Junior Secondary Education (SLTP) and Primary Education (SD) in Indonesia.
In Indonesia Basic Education consists of nine years of study. After six years of Primary Education (SD) [at about age 12] students enter Junior Secondary School (SLTP) ( Ref. Indonesian Education System. This homepage contains information for and about Junior Secondary Education (SLTP) and Primary Education (SD) in Indonesia.
The objectives are to provide opportunities for all stakeholders who care about Indonesian education to express their aspirations. Succinct focus upon the issues and obstacles confronting educational development in this country and "possible solutions", the discussion of educational systemic problems, including issues of equity "and possible solutions".
The objectives are to provide opportunities for all stakeholders who care about Indonesian education to express their aspirations. Succinct focus upon the issues and obstacles confronting educational development in this country and "possible solutions", the discussion of educational systemic problems, including issues of equity "and possible solutions".
Developing Country Educational Technology. The objectives are to provide schools and universities that have access to the Internet with an opportunity to contribute to and benefit form the knowledge of others (sharing). Highlight local and global developments in learning technologies. Provide equipment manufacturers and suppliers with an opportunity to promote their products (and special prices) to the education community. Disseminate information to the many schools located in the distant provinces in Indonesia.
Developing Country Educational Technology. The objectives are to provide schools and universities that have access to the Internet with an opportunity to contribute to and benefit form the knowledge of others (sharing). Highlight local and global developments in learning technologies. Provide equipment manufacturers and suppliers with an opportunity to promote their products (and special prices) to the education community. Disseminate information to the many schools located in the distant provinces in Indonesia.
Ayo, mari kita Berjuang untuk Pendidikan!
The Objective of this website is to bring together "clippings" from the Pendidikan Network websites in order to obtain a more succinct discussion about the frequently raised issues in Indonesian education.
The webmaster, Phillip Rekdale has deliberately selected issues where his responses are provided in order to stimulate open discussion. Agree, disagree, it's upto you!
Ayo, mari kita Berjuang untuk Pendidikan!
The Objective of this website is to bring together "clippings" from the Pendidikan Network websites in order to obtain a more succinct discussion about the frequently raised issues in Indonesian education.
The webmaster, Phillip Rekdale has deliberately selected issues where his responses are provided in order to stimulate open discussion. Agree, disagree, it's upto you!
Organisation, Communication, and Solidarity between all students is the issue that is most important in order to improve the quality of education and the future quality of Indonesian life. Those who best understand the shortfalls, difficulties and obstacles to improving Indonesian education are the students. Students need to pro-actively contribute to in order to improve the form and implementation of education in Indonesia.
Organisation, Communication, and Solidarity between all students is the issue that is most important in order to improve the quality of education and the future quality of Indonesian life. Those who best understand the shortfalls, difficulties and obstacles to improving Indonesian education are the students. Students need to pro-actively contribute to in order to improve the form and implementation of education in Indonesia.
Pendidikan.WS and EducationWebsites.Net
Information Technology (IT): Because IT has become embedded into every aspect of our modern lifestyles, and even more importantly for learners, into every aspect of our professional lives, studying IT and developing our communication skills are now more important than ever. The importance of communication skills is readily evidenced by glancing through the daily newspapers. Most job vacancies leading to positions with future career prospects require computer literacy and foreign language skills.
Information Technology (IT): Because IT has become embedded into every aspect of our modern lifestyles, and even more importantly for learners, into every aspect of our professional lives, studying IT and developing our communication skills are now more important than ever. The importance of communication skills is readily evidenced by glancing through the daily newspapers. Most job vacancies leading to positions with future career prospects require computer literacy and foreign language skills.
Kami menyediakan informasi dan kesempatan untuk mahasiswa mahasiswi untuk membahas dan memberi saran-saran mengenai pendidikan di Indonesia. Kami berharap mahasiswa, dosen, dan rektor kampus PT di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasi Anda untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Kami menyediakan informasi dan kesempatan untuk mahasiswa mahasiswi untuk membahas dan memberi saran-saran mengenai pendidikan di Indonesia. Kami berharap mahasiswa, dosen, dan rektor kampus PT di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasi Anda untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Pojok Siswa - Pojok Siswi Indonesia. Pojok khusus untuk Siswa-Siswi dan OSIS Indonesia. Organisasi, Komunikasi dan Solidaritas antara siswa-siswi dan mahasiswa-mahasiswi adalah hal yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mutu hidup rakyat Indonesia terhadap masa depan. Yang paling tahu kesulitan, kekurangan, dan tantangan di lapangan adalah pelajar Indonesia. Jadi siswa/i di Indonesia perlu sangat pro-aktif untuk berkontribusi supaya membentuk pendidikan negara yang paling bermutu.
Pojok Siswa - Pojok Siswi Indonesia. Pojok khusus untuk Siswa-Siswi dan OSIS Indonesia. Organisasi, Komunikasi dan Solidaritas antara siswa-siswi dan mahasiswa-mahasiswi adalah hal yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mutu hidup rakyat Indonesia terhadap masa depan. Yang paling tahu kesulitan, kekurangan, dan tantangan di lapangan adalah pelajar Indonesia. Jadi siswa/i di Indonesia perlu sangat pro-aktif untuk berkontribusi supaya membentuk pendidikan negara yang paling bermutu.
Southeast Asia Education Network. For several years we have wanted to establish a SEA education network that could begin to pool some the region's education resources. The primary objective of this website is to provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information to assist education development in the region and strengthen the bonds between our countries.
Southeast Asia Education Network. For several years we have wanted to establish a SEA education network that could begin to pool some the region's education resources. The primary objective of this website is to provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information to assist education development in the region and strengthen the bonds between our countries.
Televisi Pendidikan adalah medium yang sangat bagus untuk membagi informasi dan bahan pendidikan kepada masyarakat secara luas. Teknologi terbaru termasuk komputer dan Internet sudah menjadi pilihan utama untuk teknologi pendidikan, dan ada beberapa orang yang kira televisi adalah teknologi lama. Tetapi, potensi Televisi Pendidikan untuk membawa pendidikan ke semua masyarakat di mana mereka duduk, belum begitu tercapai.
Televisi Pendidikan adalah medium yang sangat bagus untuk membagi informasi dan bahan pendidikan kepada masyarakat secara luas. Teknologi terbaru termasuk komputer dan Internet sudah menjadi pilihan utama untuk teknologi pendidikan, dan ada beberapa orang yang kira televisi adalah teknologi lama. Tetapi, potensi Televisi Pendidikan untuk membawa pendidikan ke semua masyarakat di mana mereka duduk, belum begitu tercapai.
RE-SEARCH, DigiLib & ARTIKEL ReSearch (Penelitian) Engines ini dibuat oleh karena sulitnya mencari informasi dan data pendidikan yang bermutu di Indonesia. Situs ini diharap akan membantu siswa-siswi, guru, dan dosen yang sedang mencari informasi atau melaksanakan penelitian. Dengan Re-Search Engines in anda dapat mencari artikel, data, informasi, berita, dll dari website pemerintah, universitas, dan beberapa pusat penelitian SEAMEO. Tanpa mengganti-ganti situs anda dapat "copy dan paste" keywords di dalam search engine masing-masing dan mencari hasilnya di banyak situs di dalam beberapa menit.
RE-SEARCH, DigiLib & ARTIKEL ReSearch (Penelitian) Engines ini dibuat oleh karena sulitnya mencari informasi dan data pendidikan yang bermutu di Indonesia. Situs ini diharap akan membantu siswa-siswi, guru, dan dosen yang sedang mencari informasi atau melaksanakan penelitian. Dengan Re-Search Engines in anda dapat mencari artikel, data, informasi, berita, dll dari website pemerintah, universitas, dan beberapa pusat penelitian SEAMEO. Tanpa mengganti-ganti situs anda dapat "copy dan paste" keywords di dalam search engine masing-masing dan mencari hasilnya di banyak situs di dalam beberapa menit.
Kalau kita sedang mencari beasiswa prinsipnya memang sama dengan mencari pekerjaan, kita harus rajin mencari dan berusaha. Kita wajib juga untuk menunjukkan kepada yayasan atau lembaga pemberi dana bahwa kita serius mengenai pendidikannya. Di sini dan DataBase kami ada banyak links ke sumber beasiswa. Mungkin saat ini ada informasi lebih lengkap mengenai sumber beasiswa terbaru di DataBase. Semua sumber dana yang diidentifikasikan akan tetap ada di halaman-halaman beasiswa walaupun tanggal berlakunya sudah kadaluarsa. Mengapa? Walapun tanggalnya sudah kadaluarsa, apabila sedang mencari beasiswa sebaiknya mengirim surat ke semua sumber dana. Siapa tahu Anda berhasil.
Kalau kita sedang mencari beasiswa prinsipnya memang sama dengan mencari pekerjaan, kita harus rajin mencari dan berusaha. Kita wajib juga untuk menunjukkan kepada yayasan atau lembaga pemberi dana bahwa kita serius mengenai pendidikannya. Di sini dan DataBase kami ada banyak links ke sumber beasiswa. Mungkin saat ini ada informasi lebih lengkap mengenai sumber beasiswa terbaru di DataBase. Semua sumber dana yang diidentifikasikan akan tetap ada di halaman-halaman beasiswa walaupun tanggal berlakunya sudah kadaluarsa. Mengapa? Walapun tanggalnya sudah kadaluarsa, apabila sedang mencari beasiswa sebaiknya mengirim surat ke semua sumber dana. Siapa tahu Anda berhasil.
E-Government yang "juga disebut e-gov, digital government, online government atau dalam konteks tertentu transformational government adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan informasi dan pelayanan bagi warganya, urusan bisnis, serta hal-hal lain yang berkenaan dengan pemerintahan. e-Government dapat diaplikasikan pada legislatif, yudikatif, atau administrasi publik, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi internal, menyampaikan pelayanan publik, atau proses kepemerintahan yang demokratis.
E-Government yang "juga disebut e-gov, digital government, online government atau dalam konteks tertentu transformational government adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan informasi dan pelayanan bagi warganya, urusan bisnis, serta hal-hal lain yang berkenaan dengan pemerintahan. e-Government dapat diaplikasikan pada legislatif, yudikatif, atau administrasi publik, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi internal, menyampaikan pelayanan publik, atau proses kepemerintahan yang demokratis.
Televisi adalah medium yang sangat bagus untuk membagi informasi dan prinsip-prinsip sains kepada masyarakat secara luas. Potensi televisi untuk membawa ilmu sains ke semua masyarakat di mana mereka duduk, belum begitu tercapai. Di website ini kami menyediakan venue untuk pendidik-pendidik di lapangan supaya mereka dapat membahas hal-hal terkait dengan Televisi dan Sains, memasang sumber-sumber bahan pendidikan pribadi atau link-link ke situs mereka, dan video-clip yang pendek mengenai praktek pengajaran untuk membantu guru-guru lain di lapangan.
Televisi adalah medium yang sangat bagus untuk membagi informasi dan prinsip-prinsip sains kepada masyarakat secara luas. Potensi televisi untuk membawa ilmu sains ke semua masyarakat di mana mereka duduk, belum begitu tercapai. Di website ini kami menyediakan venue untuk pendidik-pendidik di lapangan supaya mereka dapat membahas hal-hal terkait dengan Televisi dan Sains, memasang sumber-sumber bahan pendidikan pribadi atau link-link ke situs mereka, dan video-clip yang pendek mengenai praktek pengajaran untuk membantu guru-guru lain di lapangan.
Higer Education (Perguruan Tinggi - PT) includes all forms of education after students graduate from Senior Secondary School (private and public). Higher Education has the responsibility for guaranteeing that students will achieve success in both their vocational and social activities.
Higer Education (Perguruan Tinggi - PT) includes all forms of education after students graduate from Senior Secondary School (private and public). Higher Education has the responsibility for guaranteeing that students will achieve success in both their vocational and social activities.
After studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School.
Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU), a Tertiary or Professional Preparation High School is one of the options for students.
After studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School.
Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU), a Tertiary or Professional Preparation High School is one of the options for students.
"SuaraKita", Our Voice, provides an opportunity for discussing more specific issues in Indonesian education such as Competency Based Curriculum, Implementing Curriculum, The rising Costs of Education and Improving Education in Indonesia, etc.
Kami sangat menghormati Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Ingin membantu dengan hal yang dekat dengan hati beliau dan akan sangat pengaruhi masa dean bangsa, yaitu Pendidikan.
"SuaraKita", Our Voice, provides an opportunity for discussing more specific issues in Indonesian education such as Competency Based Curriculum, Implementing Curriculum, The rising Costs of Education and Improving Education in Indonesia, etc.
Kami sangat menghormati Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Ingin membantu dengan hal yang dekat dengan hati beliau dan akan sangat pengaruhi masa dean bangsa, yaitu Pendidikan.
Indo-Jobs is a free service to assist Pendidikan Network Indonesia Visitors and Supporters including students, graduates, educators and general professionals to promote and market thier skills both locally and internationally. Recent graduates are especially encouraged to register. For most people the ultimate outcome of education is satisfying and rewarding employment. Indonesian Universities, schools, Government Departments, and Private Business' that are seeking staff are especially encouraged to register.
Indo-Jobs is a free service to assist Pendidikan Network Indonesia Visitors and Supporters including students, graduates, educators and general professionals to promote and market thier skills both locally and internationally. Recent graduates are especially encouraged to register. For most people the ultimate outcome of education is satisfying and rewarding employment. Indonesian Universities, schools, Government Departments, and Private Business' that are seeking staff are especially encouraged to register.
Indonesian Education News. At this site we bring you the news from the field. Educators, learners, and anybody concerned about education in Indonesia can send in news about educational activities that are taking place anywhere in Indonesia.
We also encourage Indonesian students to read newspaper articles routinely to improve their Indonesian and English language skills.
Indonesian Education News. At this site we bring you the news from the field. Educators, learners, and anybody concerned about education in Indonesia can send in news about educational activities that are taking place anywhere in Indonesia.
We also encourage Indonesian students to read newspaper articles routinely to improve their Indonesian and English language skills.
This domain name it encapsulated all the emotions and feelings that I have been experiencing here in Indonesia during the past 7 years and I had to register it. During these 5 years I have created over 40 websites specifically addressing areas/sectors of education in this country in an attempt to strike a chord that would stimulate high participation, creativity, and provide a channel of communication that would assist in accelerating the process of educational change.
This domain name it encapsulated all the emotions and feelings that I have been experiencing here in Indonesia during the past 7 years and I had to register it. During these 5 years I have created over 40 websites specifically addressing areas/sectors of education in this country in an attempt to strike a chord that would stimulate high participation, creativity, and provide a channel of communication that would assist in accelerating the process of educational change.
Perguruan Tinggi (PT) termasuk semua jenis pendidikan setelah Sekolah Menengah (Swasta dan Negeri). Perguruan Tinggi bertanggungjawab untuk menjaminkan seorang mahasiswa/i akan mencapai suatu sukses di lapangan kerja dan menerapkan ilmu serta memiliki kemampuan sosial yang cukup untuk menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan menciptakan sesuatu yang positive. Mahasiswa/i yang lulusan PT seharusnya mampu meningkatkan mutu hidup untuk lingkungannya maupun negaranya.
Perguruan Tinggi (PT) termasuk semua jenis pendidikan setelah Sekolah Menengah (Swasta dan Negeri). Perguruan Tinggi bertanggungjawab untuk menjaminkan seorang mahasiswa/i akan mencapai suatu sukses di lapangan kerja dan menerapkan ilmu serta memiliki kemampuan sosial yang cukup untuk menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan menciptakan sesuatu yang positive. Mahasiswa/i yang lulusan PT seharusnya mampu meningkatkan mutu hidup untuk lingkungannya maupun negaranya.
Homepage ini berisi informasi untuk semua Sekolah Menengah (SMU - SMK - MAN) di Indonesia supaya siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan pihak lain yang berminat yang bisa menggunakan Internet dapat saling mengenal dan berkomunikasi. Kami berharap siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan alumni di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasinya untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Homepage ini berisi informasi untuk semua Sekolah Menengah (SMU - SMK - MAN) di Indonesia supaya siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan pihak lain yang berminat yang bisa menggunakan Internet dapat saling mengenal dan berkomunikasi. Kami berharap siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan alumni di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasinya untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Pojok Guru Indonesia, Indonesian Teachers' Corner, Teacher Information and Resources. Organisasi, Komunikasi dan Solidaritas antara guru, dosen, siswa-siswi dan mahasiswa-mahasiswi adalah hal yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mutu hidup rakyat Indonesia terhadap masa depan. Yang paling tahu kesulitan, kekurangan, dan tantangan di lapangan adalah pelajar Indonesia. Jadi semua pelajar dan pendidik di Indonesia perlu sangat pro-aktif untuk berkontribusi supaya membentuk pendidikan negara yang paling bermutu.
Pojok Guru Indonesia, Indonesian Teachers' Corner, Teacher Information and Resources. Organisasi, Komunikasi dan Solidaritas antara guru, dosen, siswa-siswi dan mahasiswa-mahasiswi adalah hal yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan mutu hidup rakyat Indonesia terhadap masa depan. Yang paling tahu kesulitan, kekurangan, dan tantangan di lapangan adalah pelajar Indonesia. Jadi semua pelajar dan pendidik di Indonesia perlu sangat pro-aktif untuk berkontribusi supaya membentuk pendidikan negara yang paling bermutu.
Our original Pendidikan Network websites were hosted in Pakistan, but in the late 80s we were offered free hosting at However, the closure of this service forced us to create our own hosting service. We now maintain this domain for nostalgic reasons, but also because many of our old links are still active in search engines. /pt, /sm, /sltp, etc.
Our original Pendidikan Network websites were hosted in Pakistan, but in the late 80s we were offered free hosting at However, the closure of this service forced us to create our own hosting service. We now maintain this domain for nostalgic reasons, but also because many of our old links are still active in search engines. /pt, /sm, /sltp, etc.
Education Television is an excellent medium for delivering educational content on a mass scale. Modern technologies such as computers and the Internet have now become the new tools of education technology, and television is regarded by some as old technology. However, the enormous potential of Education Television to reach ordinary citizens globally, where they sit, has not yet been fully realized.
Education Television is an excellent medium for delivering educational content on a mass scale. Modern technologies such as computers and the Internet have now become the new tools of education technology, and television is regarded by some as old technology. However, the enormous potential of Education Television to reach ordinary citizens globally, where they sit, has not yet been fully realized.
The primary objective of Indonesian Education Databases is to provide quick access to information related to Indonesian education and current Indonesian education developments and serve as a general resource for students, teachers, researchers, and other interested parties.
There are the links to our primary education network sites and facilities and databases providing access to specific education information and services. You can also add your institution's link to our databases.
The primary objective of Indonesian Education Databases is to provide quick access to information related to Indonesian education and current Indonesian education developments and serve as a general resource for students, teachers, researchers, and other interested parties.
There are the links to our primary education network sites and facilities and databases providing access to specific education information and services. You can also add your institution's link to our databases.
IndoNews is primarily focused upon news related to developments in Indonesian Education, so much of the link content and interactive sections of the site will naturally be in Indonesian.
However, you can access our English News Section at Pendidikan.Net and gain quick access to many local and international newspapers from the site.
We are sure that you will find IndoNews.Org a useful addition to your browser's Bookmarks.
IndoNews is primarily focused upon news related to developments in Indonesian Education, so much of the link content and interactive sections of the site will naturally be in Indonesian.
However, you can access our English News Section at Pendidikan.Net and gain quick access to many local and international newspapers from the site.
We are sure that you will find IndoNews.Org a useful addition to your browser's Bookmarks.
Teachers' Corner has been created in response to the many requests we have received at Pen-friends.Net for international teacher contacts from all corners of the planet. The primary objective is to assist with foreign language learning, information exchange, and the promotion of international academic cooperation. The list of teachers (& schools) on this site is being developed as a resource for both teachers and students who wish to make contact for the purposes of friendship, support, and the sharing of ideas and knowledge. Teachers can make contact and discuss issues "real time" in our Teachers Chat Room.
Teachers' Corner has been created in response to the many requests we have received at Pen-friends.Net for international teacher contacts from all corners of the planet. The primary objective is to assist with foreign language learning, information exchange, and the promotion of international academic cooperation. The list of teachers (& schools) on this site is being developed as a resource for both teachers and students who wish to make contact for the purposes of friendship, support, and the sharing of ideas and knowledge. Teachers can make contact and discuss issues "real time" in our Teachers Chat Room.
In this Education Laboratory it is hoped that we can generate some active participation in discussions relating to current 'education best practices' and 'technology developments'. The primary aim is to develop a facility that resembles a 'Laboratory for Education Issues' and hopefully through our endeavours (collectively) we can provide some realistic and practical information for practicioners in the field. In this, as in any laboratory the focus should be upon practice, and new perspecives and inputs are most welcome. We are particularly looking for honest observations and new ideas from the field.
In this Education Laboratory it is hoped that we can generate some active participation in discussions relating to current 'education best practices' and 'technology developments'. The primary aim is to develop a facility that resembles a 'Laboratory for Education Issues' and hopefully through our endeavours (collectively) we can provide some realistic and practical information for practicioners in the field. In this, as in any laboratory the focus should be upon practice, and new perspecives and inputs are most welcome. We are particularly looking for honest observations and new ideas from the field.
In Indonesia after studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah). There are many different types of Senior Secondary Schools including; Public, Vocational, and Religious.
In Indonesia after studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah). There are many different types of Senior Secondary Schools including; Public, Vocational, and Religious.
After studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School.
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), a Vocational Preparation High School is one of the options for students.
After studying six years at Primary School (SD) and then three years at Junior Secondary School (SLTP) students enter Senior Secondary School.
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), a Vocational Preparation High School is one of the options for students.
(corruption.Org) Corruption and Education in Indonesia - Corruption is destroying the morals and future of its citizens. Here you can air your voice about corruption issues! You can communicate with friends and colleagues who also want to resist corruption. You can write your aspirations with respect to corruption. You can information about anti-corruption activities for your friends.
(corruption.Org) Corruption and Education in Indonesia - Corruption is destroying the morals and future of its citizens. Here you can air your voice about corruption issues! You can communicate with friends and colleagues who also want to resist corruption. You can write your aspirations with respect to corruption. You can information about anti-corruption activities for your friends.
Pendidikan Network Indonesia invites lecturers, school heads, teachers, school administration staff, parents and other interested parties to participate in the sharing of their ideas relating to Indonesian educational issues. For this purpose we are developing an ARTICLE BANK. All formal education sectors - from primary through to tertiary education. All non-formal sectors - including private vocational schools and other sources of training or information pertaining to life skills (personal development/enrichment).
Pendidikan Network Indonesia invites lecturers, school heads, teachers, school administration staff, parents and other interested parties to participate in the sharing of their ideas relating to Indonesian educational issues. For this purpose we are developing an ARTICLE BANK. All formal education sectors - from primary through to tertiary education. All non-formal sectors - including private vocational schools and other sources of training or information pertaining to life skills (personal development/enrichment).
During this new era schools that have already commenced implementation of the School Based Management (SBM) processes have been able to address many of the issues of school development quite independently. A critical issue is how well school principals and all stakeholders work together to achieve the school development that they desire. The keys to this development are open communication and transparency. If you wish to improve the quality of education in your school funding is not the main issue.
During this new era schools that have already commenced implementation of the School Based Management (SBM) processes have been able to address many of the issues of school development quite independently. A critical issue is how well school principals and all stakeholders work together to achieve the school development that they desire. The keys to this development are open communication and transparency. If you wish to improve the quality of education in your school funding is not the main issue.
Using the Internet for Educational Development in Developing Countries. This year (2007) marks the 9th year of Pendidikan Network Indonesia - Pendidikan.Net (Education.Net - in Indonesian) and while we are definitely seeing some developments in the area of education generally there are still no clear markers of cohesive development or a clear 'united' sense of direction. This Website is my opportunity to talk about the joys and the frustrations of trying to encourage educators and learners to "think about" and discuss educational issues.
Using the Internet for Educational Development in Developing Countries. This year (2007) marks the 9th year of Pendidikan Network Indonesia - Pendidikan.Net (Education.Net - in Indonesian) and while we are definitely seeing some developments in the area of education generally there are still no clear markers of cohesive development or a clear 'united' sense of direction. This Website is my opportunity to talk about the joys and the frustrations of trying to encourage educators and learners to "think about" and discuss educational issues.
Homepage ini berisi informasi untuk semua Sekolah Menengah (SMU - SMK - MAN) di Indonesia supaya siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan pihak lain yang berminat yang bisa menggunakan Internet dapat saling mengenal dan berkomunikasi. Kami berharap siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan alumni di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasinya untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Homepage ini berisi informasi untuk semua Sekolah Menengah (SMU - SMK - MAN) di Indonesia supaya siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan pihak lain yang berminat yang bisa menggunakan Internet dapat saling mengenal dan berkomunikasi. Kami berharap siswa-siswi, guru, kepala sekolah, dan alumni di seluruh Indonesia akan berpartisi dalam Forum-Forum, mengirim Artikel tentang pendidikan dan mencatat Aspirasinya untuk masa depan pendidikan di Indonesia.
This website was created in order to encourage a more general discussion of Indonesian development issues, obstacles and soulutions. Isuues raised include Community Health, Education, Reformation, Law and Corruption.
It is an unmoderated forum for all stakeholders in Indonesian development.
This website was created in order to encourage a more general discussion of Indonesian development issues, obstacles and soulutions. Isuues raised include Community Health, Education, Reformation, Law and Corruption.
It is an unmoderated forum for all stakeholders in Indonesian development.
WAN itu Jaringan (network) Komputer yang Luas secara geografik. Maksudnya, satu WAN terdiri dari dua atau lebih local-area networks (LAN). LAN itu Jaringan Komputer yang tidak luas, misalnya kebanyakan LAN terbatas di satu gedung atau beberapa gedung saja.
Komputer-komputer yang disambung ke wide-area network sering disumbunkan melewat jaringan umum (public networks), seperti sistem telepon. Juga dapat menggunakan "leased lines or satellites". LAN yang terbesar adalah Internet.
WAN itu Jaringan (network) Komputer yang Luas secara geografik. Maksudnya, satu WAN terdiri dari dua atau lebih local-area networks (LAN). LAN itu Jaringan Komputer yang tidak luas, misalnya kebanyakan LAN terbatas di satu gedung atau beberapa gedung saja.
Komputer-komputer yang disambung ke wide-area network sering disumbunkan melewat jaringan umum (public networks), seperti sistem telepon. Juga dapat menggunakan "leased lines or satellites". LAN yang terbesar adalah Internet.
Kelihatannya, di era globalisasi ini ada kemiskinan baru yang muncul, yaitu Kemiskinan Informasi, benar atau tidak? Sebenarnya dari zaman batu informasi merupakan kunci untuk menentukan yang survive atau tidak, dan kemiskinan informasi sudah mulai diatasi (untuk masyarakat) sejak buku pertama yang dicetak di "printing press modern" tahun 1436-1440. Dan sekarang di Indonesia, dengan teknologi informasi yang baru, yang lengkap sekali, masalahnya bergeser menjadi "kemiskinan akses".
Kelihatannya, di era globalisasi ini ada kemiskinan baru yang muncul, yaitu Kemiskinan Informasi, benar atau tidak? Sebenarnya dari zaman batu informasi merupakan kunci untuk menentukan yang survive atau tidak, dan kemiskinan informasi sudah mulai diatasi (untuk masyarakat) sejak buku pertama yang dicetak di "printing press modern" tahun 1436-1440. Dan sekarang di Indonesia, dengan teknologi informasi yang baru, yang lengkap sekali, masalahnya bergeser menjadi "kemiskinan akses".
Website ini di buat sebagai sumber hubungan untuk mereka yang ingin dapat kenalan baru dari dalam atau luar negri. Website ini adalah sumber baik untuk pengalaman langsung dalam beberapa bahasa. Website ini juga menggunakan sesedikit mungkin grafiks dan tidak menggunakan java script, musik, atau frames, dan mudah-mudahan informasinya dapat keluar secepat mungkin. Terima kasih atas kunjunganya!
Website ini di buat sebagai sumber hubungan untuk mereka yang ingin dapat kenalan baru dari dalam atau luar negri. Website ini adalah sumber baik untuk pengalaman langsung dalam beberapa bahasa. Website ini juga menggunakan sesedikit mungkin grafiks dan tidak menggunakan java script, musik, atau frames, dan mudah-mudahan informasinya dapat keluar secepat mungkin. Terima kasih atas kunjunganya!
Artikel-Artikel Teknologi. Kami sedang memasang Artikel-Artikel khusus Teknologi (TIK). Kami mengundang Dosen, Kepala Sekolah, Guru, Staf Administrasi, dan masyarakat lainnya untuk membagi ide-ide Anda yang berhubungan dengan Pendidikan Teknologi TIK di Indonesia. E-Indonesia dibuat untuk semua sektor pendidikan resmi yaitu Sekolah Dasar sampai Perguruan Tinggi. Semua sektor "pendidikan tidak resmi" (non-formal education). Yang non-formal termasuk sekolah kejuruan swasta kecil dan sumber pendidikan atau informasi tentang "kebutuhan manusia" (life skills - personal enrichment development).
Artikel-Artikel Teknologi. Kami sedang memasang Artikel-Artikel khusus Teknologi (TIK). Kami mengundang Dosen, Kepala Sekolah, Guru, Staf Administrasi, dan masyarakat lainnya untuk membagi ide-ide Anda yang berhubungan dengan Pendidikan Teknologi TIK di Indonesia. E-Indonesia dibuat untuk semua sektor pendidikan resmi yaitu Sekolah Dasar sampai Perguruan Tinggi. Semua sektor "pendidikan tidak resmi" (non-formal education). Yang non-formal termasuk sekolah kejuruan swasta kecil dan sumber pendidikan atau informasi tentang "kebutuhan manusia" (life skills - personal enrichment development).
Di Cyber Pasar kami menyediakan fasilitas gratis untuk memasang informasi mengenai produk teknologi, TI, Internet, dan teknologi pendidikan anda di database-database kami. Kami menyediakan dua (2) database. Satu adalah khusus untuk mendaftar bisnis atau perusahaan anda. Satunya adalah untuk mendaftar specialisasi anda (peralatan atau jasa). Anda boleh mendaftar di dua-duannya database (rekomendasi kami). Kami juga mengundang supplier-supplier yang ingin memasang iklan produk yang harga khusus CyberPasar.Com - kontak kami.
Di Cyber Pasar kami menyediakan fasilitas gratis untuk memasang informasi mengenai produk teknologi, TI, Internet, dan teknologi pendidikan anda di database-database kami. Kami menyediakan dua (2) database. Satu adalah khusus untuk mendaftar bisnis atau perusahaan anda. Satunya adalah untuk mendaftar specialisasi anda (peralatan atau jasa). Anda boleh mendaftar di dua-duannya database (rekomendasi kami). Kami juga mengundang supplier-supplier yang ingin memasang iklan produk yang harga khusus CyberPasar.Com - kontak kami.
Selamat datang di website Ilmu Sains. Di sini kita menyediakan informasi, berita dan pertanyaan mengenai dunia sains untuk guru-guru dan siswa-siswi. Kami berharap partisipasi anda dari semua propinsi untuk memajang idea-idea dan hasil praktek-praktek baru di Indonesia. Silahkan mengirim pertanyaan anda mengenai isu sains ke IlmuSains.Com dan kami akan memasang pertanyaanya dan membantu mencari jawaban. Silahkan membaca dan mengirim informasi mengenai isu sains atau alam yang Aneh Tapi Nyata ke IlmuSains.Com dan kami akan memasang informasinya di sini. Memasang link ke Situs Sains di IlmuSains.Com Menulis Saran Anda di eGroup IlmuSains.
Selamat datang di website Ilmu Sains. Di sini kita menyediakan informasi, berita dan pertanyaan mengenai dunia sains untuk guru-guru dan siswa-siswi. Kami berharap partisipasi anda dari semua propinsi untuk memajang idea-idea dan hasil praktek-praktek baru di Indonesia. Silahkan mengirim pertanyaan anda mengenai isu sains ke IlmuSains.Com dan kami akan memasang pertanyaanya dan membantu mencari jawaban. Silahkan membaca dan mengirim informasi mengenai isu sains atau alam yang Aneh Tapi Nyata ke IlmuSains.Com dan kami akan memasang informasinya di sini. Memasang link ke Situs Sains di IlmuSains.Com Menulis Saran Anda di eGroup IlmuSains.
Kami di Pendidikan.Network memang sangat mendukung perkembangan teknologi di bidang pendidikan tetapi kami juga wajib untuk monitor perkembangan teknologi dan cara melaksanakan dari sisi keuntungan dan kemajuan mutu pendidikan secara rialistik dan holistik.
Apakah retorika mengenai peran dan pentingnya teknologi pendidikan dalam kegiatan belajar / mengajar sesuai dengan kenyataan dan keadaan di Indonesia?
Kami di Pendidikan.Network memang sangat mendukung perkembangan teknologi di bidang pendidikan tetapi kami juga wajib untuk monitor perkembangan teknologi dan cara melaksanakan dari sisi keuntungan dan kemajuan mutu pendidikan secara rialistik dan holistik.
Apakah retorika mengenai peran dan pentingnya teknologi pendidikan dalam kegiatan belajar / mengajar sesuai dengan kenyataan dan keadaan di Indonesia?
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